What is a PRP Facial?

A PRP facial is a unique anti-aging treatment that utilizes micro needling in combination with nutrients in your own blood to rejuvenate the skin.

The nutrients found in blood is called PRP (platelet rich plasma). This is a concentration of platelets and growth factors.

When PRP is reintroduced and microneedled onto the skin, it stimulates cell turn over and in turn, collagen and elastin production increase to form a plumper, tighter and smoother complexion. The PRP facial is minimally invasive, and considered safe and effective for all skin types.

What to expect during your treatment

The first step is the initial blood draw. After a small blood sample is taken, your blood will be spun down in a centrifuge to concentrate and isolate platelets as well as other healing factors. The platelets and healing factors will then be removed and become readily available for use. After isolating the PRP, numbing cream will be applied before the micro needling begins to minimize discomfort. Rest assured, the needles from the micro-needling feel like tiny pinpricks and only go skin-deep, but numbing cream is applied prior to the micro needling process to minimize any discomfort during the treatment. PRP is then micro-needled into the skin after the numbing cream is activated and removed. Once the treatment is completed, the remaining PRP is rubbed onto the skin. The PRP should remain on the skin for the rest of the day to maximize results. Patients will notice dry, red, sensitive skin, much like a light sunburn for the first few days after treatment.

PRP Recovery Time

Day 1:  Skin appears red; the more aggressive the treatment, the more severe the reddening will appear

Day 2: Red or pink skin remains, much like a sunburn. Swelling may increase on this day

Days 3 to 5: Skin is pinkish or back to normal. Swelling recedes.

After the PRP facial, keep it simple for the first few days while your skin is healing. Try using a gentle cleanser and fragrance free moisturizer. Also make sure to keep skin make up free, and avoid any harsh ingredients and exfoliation. PRP facials compromise the top layer your skin, so It is best to avoid sun exposure and applying make up the best you can during the first 48 hours.

When a PRP facial is done, skin elasticity, volume and texture are greatly improved. It helps treat premature wrinkles, sun damage, minimizes pores, minor acne scarring, and also helps to transform complexion from appearing dull and gray to a more refreshed, dewy glow.

Expect to have a dewy glow for a few weeks. Results will get better within time. Collagen stimulation continues to happen over the course of 6 months after the treatment.

For optimal results, three treatments are recommended with one session done about every four weeks.

Anyone can benefit from the PRP facial. PRP has a large concentration of growth factors, helping tissue to heal and repair many types of skin issues. You may not be a candidate if you have a history of blood disease, including clotting or bleeding disorders.